Are Shorter Surveys Smarter?
Surveys stand at the forefront of market research, but due to this, there is an overload of surveys circulating day in and day out. The barrage of surveys that customers are exposed to regularly is the cause of survey fatigue. The fatigue is caused not only due to the length of surveys but also due to the amount of it that is circulated.
Surveys can be received positively or negatively by customers. While some surveys may make them feel that their opinions are valued, others can be irritated with lengthy questionnaires that waste the customers’ time. An irritated customer when surveyed can respond poorly that may mislead the survey results. A customer’s annoyance with the survey can also reflect poorly on the brand.
To avoid fatigue in the collection of data, know the sources you already have and how much is to be gathered. The technologically advanced age makes it possible to gather data not only through surveys but actual customer interactions with your digital channels. Artificial Intelligence also helps collect data on what everyone is talking about. This helps achieve greater accuracy in research.
Smarter shorter surveys with structured questions that ensure the introduction of new ideas while keeping answers from going all over the place are needed at such times.
This is how smarter shorter surveys help:
Better response
This is the era of short attention spans. So, a long survey will only ruin the chances of getting a full response. In fact, it can drive people to the extent of the edge of boredom. So, keeping crisp and effective surveys is much better than those which capture every question you can think of under the sun.
More accurate
Oftentimes, people get to the bottom of a long survey by clicking options randomly causing the final results to be inaccurate and unclear.
Accuracy in subsequent surveys
Surveys are usually taken multiple times to get perfect results. However, if the first survey puts the customer in fatigue, the subsequent surveys will not have any submissions at all.
Better analysis
With multiple shorter smarter surveys, you can gather enough information to make a reliable analysis. Shorter surveys help achieve maximum responses and a good understanding of what the market looks like.