How to monetize trivia games with rewarded surveys
How to monetize trivia games with rewarded surveys
Earning money from a non paying app can be difficult, it gets more difficult when you do not want to put ads in between the game so that people can enjoy the game. But as a developer, you have to make sure that you earn profits from the app so that you can keep it running. That is when reward surveys come into the picture. Rewarded surveys are in-app surveys that reward users in exchange for answering a few questions.
You can place rewarded surveys at several different locations in the app and a few of the best places to add rewarded surveys are:
- Booster Section
When you are playing a certain game you collect coins while playing it but with rewarded surveys, you can place a survey in the booster section where you can ask the player to fill a survey and earn more coins.
- Get Free Assistance
When someone plays a trivia game they might get stuck once in a while and need help with the game. That is where you can plug into the reward survey where a participant can fill the survey and get free assistance from the app.
- Earn Free Coins:
You can always add more and more features to a trivia game because people love it. You can add a free coin option where you can monetize the game by asking players to fill the survey and earn coins from it which you can later use to buy things in the game.
- Remove ads:
People hate ads in between the game, that is when you can use Rewarded Surveys as an alternative to improve the experience of the user, so now they can fill the survey before the start of the game and get an ad-free experience.
The rewarded survey is still very new and developers are still finding ways to make it work in a way that is profitable to everyone. But according to research rewarded surveys are working amazingly on trivia games and it is expected that it will grow more. So, if you as a brand are thinking about getting responses by rewarded survey method then you should definitely give it a chance. To know more about it contact us today.
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